
EF has identified issues that need to be addressed from among the SDGs and is making focused and sustained efforts to achieve five goals in order to resolve these issues.

EF has identified issues that need to be addressed from among the SDGs and is making focused and sustained efforts to achieve five goals in order to resolve these issues.

The SDGs is an abbreviation for Sustainable Development Goals, which were unanimously adopted by the United Nations in 2015. It consists of 17 goals, such as "End poverty in all of its forms everywhere," "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact," and "Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation," as well as 169 specific targets to achieve these goals. Simply put, it is a plan and goal to solve the world's environmental problems, discrimination, poverty, and human rights issues by 2030 with everyone in the world


Internal environment Creating an environment where people can work in good mental and physical health

  • We give consideration to work-life balance so that employees can work with peace of mind for a long time.
  • We give consideration to work-life balance so that employees can work with peace of mind for a long time.

We give consideration to work-life balance so that employees can work with peace of mind for a long time.

EF does everything in its power to help all employees achieve their dreams and rewards them with high incentives for their accomplishments. This makes it possible for our employees to work hard and achieve financial success.

Meanwhile, in order to devote oneself to one's work without any worries, it is essential to keep one's body and mind healthy and to maintain a work environment where one can work with peace of mind. To this end, we provide health checkups at the company's expense and take care of the physical condition of our employees. We also provide thorough care for mental health by holding regular 1-on-1 meetings to listen to the concerns of each employee.

In addition, we value work-life balance and want our employees and their families to be happy as well. For this reason, Saturday work is voluntary, and of course, employees receive 1.25 times their normal salary. Furthermore, we have made it easier for employees to take consecutive holidays by staggering weekday holidays to Mondays. We hope that our employees will enjoy family trips and other activities on their days off to refresh themselves.


Human resources support Supporting your growth as
a salesperson and as a person

  • Supporting your growth as
  • a salesperson and as a person

We will carefully educate you from the basics so that you can play an active role in any place in society.

EF proactively hires people without prior work experience and provides extensive employee training after they join the company. In the training for new recruits, we carefully instruct them on everything from basic manners as a member of society to basic operations as a salesperson. Through repeated role-playing with senior employees, even those with no sales experience are able to make appointments and conduct business negotiations.

In addition to such basic training, EF provides a higher grade of education to become employees who will be highly valued wherever they go in society. For example, when leaving a client's office, we bow to the building. We contact those who have helped us immediately to thank them for their kindness. We also generously teach our employees how to behave and speak in a manner that is trustworthy as a person. Our goal is to create a company where people say, "Everyone who has worked at EF is a solid human being."


Environmental and social contributions Social contributions through business activities

Consideration for the global environment through the introduction of LED lighting and contributions to industry through manga marketing

As global warming becomes more serious, reducing CO2 emissions is an urgent issue for companies. Therefore, in conjunction with the complete renovation of our offices, we have replaced all the fluorescent lights that had been installed since the early days with LEDs. LEDs consume about one-sixth the power of fluorescent lamps and have a much longer lifespan, helping to save energy and reduce CO2 emissions. To change the world, we must start with our own awareness. We will continue to do what we can do for the global environment, starting small and working our way up.

In addition, we are proud that the services we provide to our clients also contribute to society. EF has pioneered an innovative advertising method called Manga Marketing in collaboration with a group of highly skilled creators. We maximize the appeal of our client's advertisements through LP production utilizing high- quality manga to attract customers and successfully recruit personnel. This is a valuable achievement for Japan's industrial development. Our goal is to contribute to the growth of this country by realizing benefits for sellers, buyers, and the public.